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Thursday, August 22, 2013

How Our Together Began

I have read a lot lately about journaling and keeping a journal. I have never really been very good at it but I figured maybe blogging might be the easiest way to do this. I am much better at typing than I am at writing. I figure the best way to keep journal about our lives and our story would be on here. So I will start from the beginning.

Trent and I originally met each in The Greatest Mission in All the Land aka Florida, Fort Lauderdale Mission. Trent was called English speaking and I was called Spanish speaking. During the course of our missions we probably never even talked...not that either one of us can remember anyways. We served on completely different sides of the mission our whole missions and honestly really had no interest at all in one another.

When I got home from my mission I started to date around a little and enjoyed it for a while. Then as time went on I was starting to realize a pattern....guys really just wanted a make out buddy and that was it. The problem is that isn't what I was looking for. I really wanted to find someone and settle down. I was so sick of the dating scene. Trent was dealing with similar problems although he was finding a lot of girls were immature and catty. Both of us were almost ready to give up completely on dating.

Luckily Trent's friend Josh Pineda convinced Trent to get online and see how the whole thing would work out. Trent was on there for a couple days before I got the feeling I should try the online thing one more time. I got on the website and before I even had a picture up he asked me if I served in Florida. I told him yes, then proceeded to ask him who he was he told me his name was Elder Allen aka Trent. I recognized the picture. From that day we talked/texted every day.

About a week later we decided to go out to dinner. As we went out it was instant, I felt I was going to marry him and I FREAKED OUT! We had only been out on one date....but one date was enough to know I was going to marry him.

The first day we met face to face was Thursday, June 14, 2012,
We were engaged July 20, 2012.
We were married for time and all eternity October 12, 2012 in The Salt Lake City LDS Temple.

I couldn't have chosen a better man in my life! He is my everything!!